Promo: New Time-Travel Regency--YESTERDAY’S TREASURES Excerpt


It’s time to discover... YESTERDAY’S TREASURES... the newest time-travel Regency by Susanne Marie Knight now available.


Author: Susanne Marie Knight

Genre: Time-Travel Regency

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A Regency themed photo shoot, a magical wedding dress, and a mysterious “uncle” send Mattie Newcastle back to the past.


Mattie Newcastle agrees to pose as a bride in a photo shoot to advertise her Uncle Ward’s second-hand-shop, Yesterday’s Treasures. Everything for the shoot looks period-piece authentic, especially the mouthwateringly hunky groom dressed in a tailcoat, top hat, and a cravat. Imagine Mattie’s surprise when after she signs the chapel’s register book, she finds out that she’s actually married to an English marquess; she’s now in London; and the year is 1816. Her husband, George, declares she’s bought and paid for and insists on obtaining his conjugal rights. Sure, he’s as handsome as a dream, but she has no intention of becoming his “brood mare.” How did this impossible thing happen and how is she going to get back to the twenty-first century?


The Marquess of Chesterton, George Dunning, has a gambling addiction. His latest debacle at cards has cost him 150,000 guineas payable to his arch nemesis... and, unless George marries immediately, his family’s ancestral diamond ring. He can handle the enormous debt, but the shame of the ring not staying within the family is too high a price to pay. He must enter the parson’s mousetrap... without delay. His man of business, Edward, arranges for an appropriate, amenable, eligible, biddable, and sight-unseen young woman to be George’s bride. The more George is around Matilda Newcastle, the more he is quite happy with the marriage, except... he soon realizes she has no intention of granting a husband’s privileges. How can he convince his new marchioness that she truly belongs to him?

Scene Set-Up:

Agreeing to pose as a bride walking down the aisle in a photo shoot to advertise her Uncle Ward’s second-hand-shop, Yesterday’s Treasures, Mattie finds herself in a realistic chapel complete with a parson, two witnesses, and a devastatingly handsome bridegroom--all dressed in Regency period costumes.


The groom reached over and took Mattie’s gloveless hand. “I, George Dunning, the Marquess of Chesterton...” His voice was deep, commanding. “Take thee, Matilda Newcastle, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge myself to you.”

The feel of his warm hand against her skin was causing her heart to pound out in alarm. Good gosh, she’d never felt this way... in her life. Why--

The parson Dr. Bailey interrupted her frantic thoughts. “Now it is your turn, my child.”

After he repeated the mouthful of words, now he and George expected her to regurgitate them.

Taking a deep inhale, she did her best. “I, Matilda Newcastle...”

Goodness, she really shuddered saying that.

“Take thee, George Dunning, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge myself to you.”

Honestly, she felt as if she might pass out from the tension. As for her hand in his, why, it almost went completely numb.

Again, Dr. Bailey nodded, this time at the man standing to the right. “Lord Rutledge.”

The blond man handed the groom, George, a small circle of gold--a ring.

The parson nodded again. “Lord Chesterton, please place the ring on Matilda’s left hand as a symbol and seal of your vows today.”

George slowly, tortuously, slid the ring up her third finger. Somehow, his hand seemed to touch every inch of exposed skin on her hand.

Goodness, she almost died from the sheer delight of his touch.

Dr. Bailey now raised his hands and called out, “And now by the power vested in me by God above, and our most holy Bishop of Canterbury, it is my honor to declare you married. You may now kiss your bride.”

Oh good gosh. Her stomach dropped. She knew it did. She’d forgotten about this part of a wedding ceremony.

Turning her, no doubt, panicked face toward George, she waited for him to take the first move.

He not only didn’t release her hand, he instead took her other one, too. Then, with his unnerving gaze completely on hers, he leaned over. Closer and closer and closer.

If she wasn’t mistaken, she saw the slightest of smiles on his face. So faint, that if she hadn’t been this close, she would’ve missed it.

Omigosh, he still hadn’t reached her lips. But he was going to. She knew that as if he’d said the words. Lifting her chin, she closed her eyes and braced herself.

His lips softly brushed hers. Such a wondrous sensation. She couldn’t help it; she whimpered a little cry.

How embarrassing. Had he heard?

She opened her eyes just as he pulled away. She blinked. That was it? That was the kiss?

His expression was still stone-like, but his eyes, somehow they seemed brighter than before.

Dr. Bailey made a happy chuckle. “I am pleased to present to the good Lord above and to the world at large, the Marquess and Marchioness of Chesterton, Mr. and Mrs. George Dunning, George and Matilda.”

Mattie bit her lip. The Marchioness of Chesterton? Yikes. What was going on here? What did all this have to do with a photo shoot? This seemed so real.

Lady Jane and Lord Rutledge both gave extravagant congratulations: hugs, tears, and smiles from the lady, and handshakes, winks, and smiles from the man. The couple must’ve been the official witnesses.

Even though Mattie knew this was completely inappropriate, she turned to the man by her side and then whispered, “Is it over?”

He extended his arm for her to take. “M’dear, it has only just begun.”


Happy Reading!

Susanne Marie Knight

Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing With A Twist!

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New Contemporary Romance--THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY Excerpt


The “one that got away” catches up with twice divorced Chris Chambers twenty six years later. Is it too late to have a happily ever after?

THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY by author Susanne Marie Knight

Genre: Contemporary Romance

THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY is available for purchase electronically at and and Print.

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Twice divorced Chris Chambers doesn’t believe in a second chance at love... or rather, another chance. She definitely isn’t looking for love... or even a quick hook-up. She’s very happy where she is at this stage in her life. But at a business convention in Tampa, she comes across an intriguing man she just can’t say no to. He seems so familiar. When she realizes Eric is the one that got away twenty-six years ago, or rather her nineteen-year-old self ran from him all those years ago, she does the predictable thing: she runs again. But sometimes, Fate won’t be denied. After all, as the old saying goes: third time’s a charm.


Widower Eric Paulsen has it all: successful career as a medical doctor, two prospering adult children, a gorgeous house overlooking Tampa Bay... what more can he want? True, his nights do get lonely; his assistant, Hildi, imagines herself to be his next wife; and his daughter goes out of her way to help Hildi accomplish that goal. But when he takes a romantic dinner cruise, a birthday present from the smitten Hildi, he spots a woman who peaks his interest on every level. Turning on the charm, he decides Chris is to be his birthday present. The morning after, he discovers Chris is Christine, his first love from so long ago. Living all these years without her, without true love, he’s determined to convince Christine to finally become his, and his alone.


On a dinner cruise to celebrate his birthday, Dr. Eric Paulsen is captivated by a beautiful fellow passenger. He decide to pursue her.


Ordering another vodka tonic, Eric then walked downstairs to the first deck, searching for a quiet corner. The first deck was where the galley was, along with dining tables handsomely set up next to picture windows. There was also a hardwood dance floor. Over the speakers, soft music swayed in the air in case anyone cared to dance the night away.

He didn’t care to, but then he spotted a woman who commanded him to look her way.

It wasn’t as if she deliberately called attention to herself. No, there was just something about her that, well, frankly, that grabbed him by the balls. He couldn’t tear his gaze from her. 

The hell! He was actually transfixed.

She was dressed in black, with a type of long Nehru jacket and tight, formfitting pants. Slender and yet shapely, she laughed with a group of women who stood next to one of the area’s many picture windows showcasing the beauty of Tampa Bay. The sun had already set so the sky was slowly deepening into velvet.

Oddly enough, she wore a black straw hat inside. Streaming down onto her shoulders was lustrous chocolate hair. As she moved, he saw the glimmer of gold from hoop earrings playing peek-a-boo with her hair. She had bronze frames on her eyeglasses--very erudite; pouty peach lips that he itched to kiss, and a lovely nose that begged for him to tweak. 

Hell. Oh hell. He had to have her. She would be the perfect birthday present.

The woman held a tumbler glass, filled with dark and lighter liquid. Probably rum. Perhaps this was a Mai Tai with its colorful straw, Polynesian flower, chunk of pineapple, and of course, a maraschino cherry.

His cruise goddess drank too fast. He watched how she guzzled the liquid down. Now done, she accepted another drink from the wandering bartender.

A few feet from her position were land sharks, also eyeing the prize. One looked like a Tampa native in his white polo shirt. Maybe he was in his forties. Another man, probably sixties, wore a Brooks Brothers suit, white shirt, and red satin tie. Yet a third one, grey-haired with a sports coat and a tie that was decorated with fingerprints kept his rapacious gaze on her. Then there was a younger man with longer hair than the goddess. No doubt the man was mealy-mouthed, and wore horn-rimmed eyeglasses.

Sooner or later one of those sharks would swoop in for the kill.

No. She was his. She was destined to be his birthday present.


Hope you enjoy this second chance romance!

Susanne Marie Knight

Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing with a Twist!


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Promo: New Science Fiction Romance--THE XENON ADVANTAGE Excerpt



Author: Susanne Marie Knight

Genre: Science Fiction Romance

Available electronically at

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Price: $3.99

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Price: $10.99.

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Naressa, a native of the Earth colony on Alpheratz 3, is chosen at the last minute be the communications officer on an exploratory mission to a planet in the Southern Cross sector. Her hidden ability to receive and translate alien thoughts is the reason for this decision. Now aboard the Nautilus, she’s met with hostility... and something else... by Kurt Stone, the starship’s CO who is annoyed that she replaced his on-again-off-again lover. She also receives messages from a powerful... and amorous alien leader, Mavolian, telling her to “come to him.” Naressa has no interest in forming a love connection with anyone, however Mavolian is determined and Kurt is smitten by her. Will she be able to give up her freedom for the boundaries of love?


Years ago, Kurt Stone left the endless routine of his homestead in the Greater Dakotas for the excitement and danger of interstellar space. He excels at his job and pursues his goal of obtaining a captaincy. On a treacherous mission to explore a uninhabited planet, Acrux 4--a twin of Earth--he meets an unusual female, Naressa, native to an Earth colony that has an excessive amount of the element Xenon in its atmosphere. As it turns out, Acrux 4 also is abundant in Xenon. As Kurt fights his attraction to her, he has to endure watching as the powerful alien leader, Mavolian, makes a play for Naressa. Can Kurt set his jealously aside and convince her to be with him for always?

Scene Set-Up:

As Chief of Operations Kurt Stone processes the new crew assigned to the Nautilus starship for an important interstellar mission, he looks forward to resuming his relationship with one of the officers, Wilda Carr. However, someone else walks through the door.


Kurt watched as the navigator left. The next crewmember through the doors would be the last one to board. Wilda Carr. Only Wilda would do for him.

He heard sounds coming from the corridor. Closer... closer... Hell, his dick twitched and he almost started salivating.

In walked--

He blinked. In walked a diaphanously beautiful young woman with hair the color of a rich autumn sun; her eyes sparkled like cat eyes, dichroic with two distinct colors of green and amber; and her lips pouted... softly pink, softly plump, softly glossy, softly kissable.

Hell. He couldn’t help but stare.

The woman wasn’t in uniform. Instead she wore puce colored leggings that stopped short of her elegantly slim ankles. Her long sleeved blouse was covered by a thin strapped, flared out overshirt.

She was, in a word, gorgeous.

“So sorry I’m late.” Her incredible gaze darted from the Captain to Kurt. “I rushed over as fast as I could. My ship just landed.”

Kurt lifted an eyebrow. “Your ship from?”

“From Alpheratz 3. You know, the lucky planet?”

Alpheratz 3? Alpheratz was a binary star, 97 light-years from Sol, in the constellation of Andromeda. This woman couldn’t possibly be from...

After re-checking his personnel roster, Kurt set his fists on his hips. “Who the devil are you?”


Naressa huffed. She actually huffed. This was the welcome she’d traveled 97 light-years to receive?

She couldn’t help but huff again. The urgent request from SolSpace had been received just over two months ago. Drop everything, she was told, and hop a freighter over to Earth’s satellite to then journey on the Nautilus to the remote star system Crux, in the area of the galaxy known as the Southern Cross.

The Southern Cross was, of course, a constellation as viewed from Earth, not Alpheratz 3.

She rubbed her throbbing temple. She didn’t need this. She especially didn’t need this Earthman’s disdain.

Running her gaze over the man’s pleasing width of shoulders, his obvious six-pack under the uniform’s formfitting shirt, and his handsome face scruffy with unshaven bristles, she then turned to the other man. The older man had five bands on his uniform sleeve; he was the one in charge, not Mr. Who-The-Devil-Are You?

“Sir.” Focusing on the Captain, she controlled her voice and ignored the angry bull almost snorting with his disapproval standing by the Captain’s side. “Reporting from Alpheratz 3, sir. I’m Naressa.”

“Naressa what?” The four-bands-on-his-uniform man narrowed his gaze as he dissected her.

Then he folded his muscular arms across his wide chest, loudly broadcasting contempt and something else... something mysterious, something primitive. 

Ouch. Her head pounded as if it was splitting in two. In her haste to board the Nautilus, she’d forgotten to wear her blocking cap. She unfortunately felt every thought from this crew, every electrical charge, every magnetic vibration sent out into the ether.

By the stars, this was definitely worse than traveling through black holes.

Taking a deep inhale, she then turned her head to look directly into that impudent man’s dark brown, compelling eyes. “Since the Human population on Alpheratz 3 is very limited, all colonists go by the last name of Alpheratz. So, I am Naressa Alpheratz,... sir.”


Happy Reading!


Susanne Marie Knight

Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing With A Twist!

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Promo: New Contemporary Romance--NEVER TRUST A BILLIONAIRE Excerpt


Can working girl Claressa Lauriano outwit a not-to-be-trusted billionaire who is determined to have his way with her?


Author: Susanne Marie Knight

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Available electronically at and

Price: $3.99


Price: $9.99.

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Billionaire Elliot Beaumont has a laissez faire attitude concerning women... or in other words, he takes them and leaves them. After casually giving one of his American Rose homegrown blooms to his company’s newest employee, Claressa Lauriano, he then learns his father, the CEO, wants him to pursue her to obtain her family’s small vineyard. Elliot assumes she’ll be flattered by his advances, only to learn that she has a laissez faire policy as well; she wants him to leave her alone. She doesn’t trust him... and rightfully so. The only way he can think of to get his hands on the grapes is to arrange to be fake engaged to Claressa. However, the longer she is his faux fiancée, the more he wants the engagement to be real. Can he convince his prickly American Rose to take a chance on a billionaire?


Claressa Lauriano has been working at her new job for only a month, but she also tends to her family vineyard on the side. When she shares a sample of grapes with her office, she comes to the CEO’s attention... which then means she comes to the company’s Chief Biotechnology Officer’s attention--playboy, billionaire Elliot Beaumont. Oddly enough, Elliot suddenly bulldozes his way into her life by becoming fake engaged to her. She doesn’t trust him or his motives, and why should she? Billionaires and working girls come from two different worlds. Why is he so insistent that she is meant to be his?

Scene Set-Up:

Responding to his father, the CEO of Beaumont Industries’ request for a meeting, Elliot Beaumont steps into the elevator and sees an attractive new employee.


Entering the elevator, Elliot reached over to press the seventy-fifth button, but it was already lit up. It was then that he saw he wasn’t alone in the elevator.

Standing toward the back was a cute-as-a button girl, with an elaborate hairdo of thick, shiny dark hair arranged in curls on top of her head. Her eyes were midnight brown and twinkled as if lit from within. If he wasn’t mistaken, she had a hint of dimples that flashed at him as her silver-hanging earrings also flashed at him.

Not that he was interested in cute-as-a button girls, but he had to be polite, didn’t he? So he nodded at her. As he did, he raked his gaze over her pleasing feminine form. She wore a conservative outfit that most likely hid some very shapely curves.

Was she enrolled in the student work program? Shadowing one of the employees? Was she going to see his father? Was it possible that she was the reason Elliot’s presence was requested on the seventy-fifth floor?

He deliberately pressed button number seventy-four. The old man could cool his heels before this “important” meeting while Elliot investigated what was going on.

“Hello.” Facing the girl, he broke the silence. “Sorry I didn’t notice you before. Are you new here?”

He wanted to add that she didn’t look old enough to work at Beaumont Industries, but discretion was the better part of valor. He held his tongue.

A pink blush spread on her cheeks. “I’ve only been here a month. I’m still learning my way around.”

And now she was learning her way up to the CEO’s floor. Interesting.

“Are you? What Division do you work in?”

She ran the merest tip of her tongue over her lips. Oddly enough, his body snapped to attention.

“I work in the Biotechnology Division. Mrs. Plummer’s my supervisor. I do admin support.” Then she shifted some file folders from one hand to the other. “How about you?”

He wanted to say, “I’m your supervisor’s supervisor’s supervisor’s supervisor. In other words the head of Biotechnology.” But he didn’t. There was time enough for her to learn who he was. And vice versa.

Instead, he prevaricated. “I’m with Beaumont Industries’ Welcoming Committee. Glad to have you aboard, Miss...?”

“Lauriano. Claressa Lauriano.” She held out her hand for a shake.

Very professional. Instead of a shake, he handed her the single rose that he’d intended to give to his father’s assistant. “For you, Claressa. An American Beauty rose for an American beauty.”

Her eyes widened and she took the thornless rose with her free hand. Then the elevator dinged as they arrived on the seventy-fourth floor.

The door opened. “My stop. I’m sure I’ll see you around, Claressa. Have a good day.”

Stepping out into the corridor, he then headed for an empty office where he could use the phone. He needed to call Human Resources and find out everything he could about Claressa Lauriano. Sometimes the old man pulled a fast one on him. Elliot needed to learn what the hell was going on before he entered his father’s executive office.

* * * *

Frowning, Claressa ran her fingertip over the soft rose petals. That man was a player, from the top of his wavy, caramel hair, to the tips of his Italian leather shoes. From his lantern-shaped jaw to his broad masculine shoulders. Dressed for success in a highly fashionable Armani suit, Elliot Wagner Beaumont was a player, a playboy, and a prince of a billionaire. His masculine scent of patchouli, persimmon, and citrus made her nostrils flare.

He hadn’t introduced himself, but she’d recognized him, of course. Not that she’d seen him before in the Beaumont Building, but from her studying the company website just a few short minutes ago.

Welcoming Committee--ha! Instead, he was the Chief Biotechnology Officer, in other words, the head of the Biotechnology Division.

And the way he insultingly had raked his gaze over her like she was a fresh piece of meat... well! Mr. Super Rich could just... just go stick it up his rear end!

Then again, she had seen him before. She remembered reading about Elliot Beaumont and his philandering ways in the latest issue of People Magazine.

When the elevator dinged for the seventy-fifth floor, Claressa waited until the door opened, and then stomped out. What in the world was she going to do with this “American Beauty” rose that he had given her?

The answer lay straight ahead. Behind a U-shaped desk area made of the finest red cherrywood, a lone woman sat dressed in grey and white colors that happened to match the reception area’s décor. From the woman’s somber expression, it was easy to discern that she was the guard dog protecting the elder Mr. Beaumont’s privacy.

The sound of Claressa’s heels echoed down the expensive Italian marble of the flooring. She stepped up to the desk counter. The woman’s nameplate read: Marnie Otts.

“Hi, I’m Claressa Lauriano. Mr. Beaumont’s expecting me at noon.”

She placed the rose in front of the woman. “Would you like this lovely rose? A... A panhandler gave it to me on the way up here.”

Marnie Otts, a rather colorless middle-aged woman with platinum hair bound into a tight bun, suddenly blushed as pink as a cherry blossom. “How very kind of you, I’m sure. I do adore roses.” She then pointed to a closed door to the right of her. “Mr. Beaumont’s expecting you, Ms. Lauriano. Please, go right in.”


Happy Reading!


Susanne Marie Knight

Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing With A Twist!

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Sharing the Nanny: The #Boss and the #Nanny, Book 3 #AgeGap #MFM #Menage #EroticRomance

“That was amazing.”

“Always is,” Henry replied, setting one heavy arm across Theresa's back.

He kissed the top of her head.

She sighed.

This was perfect. He was perfect. She had the best husband in the world, nothing to complain about at all.

So why had another man crossed her mind while they were making love?

And why did it have to be the man she'd agreed to spend all day with tomorrow?

Sharing the Nanny
Series: The Boss and the Nanny
Book: 3
by Giselle Renarde
Word Count: 42,000
Release Date: September 2023
ISBN: 9798223870951

Theresa thought she'd found the perfect balance between work and love when she married her boss, Henry. But when Henry's ex disappears, leaving her latest boyfriend Scott to care for his baby alone, everything is thrown into chaos once again.

As Theresa steps in to help, she finds herself drawn to Scott, the handsome and generous man tasked with raising his daughter on his own. The tension between them is palpable, and Henry can see it too.

While the three adults work together to care for little Cece, Theresa finds herself torn between her loyalty to her husband and her growing attraction to Scott. Will Henry be willing to share his wife with another man in every possible way? And can Theresa navigate the treacherous waters of love and lust without losing everything she holds dear?

Get ready for a steamy and emotionally charged tale of love, desire, and passion shared by three.

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